
welcome to the haikutimes

Issue #169, May 28, 2018, 40th Bolder Boulder, 10K Memorial day road race

cloudy race morning
where to leave my bicycle?
I run to the start

cleaving the sky
five airplanes raking the clouds
seconds before start

promise of haiku
and more documentation
affecting my pace

pete’s coffee patrons
pack shop near the starting line
seeking caffeine jolt

viva las vegas
elvis approximation
slapping runners’ hands

humans converging
to reach proper racing wave
under heavy skies

thirsty and i have to pee
not the best way
to start the bolder boulder

not a car in sight
just padded human feet
heading to the race

reveille announces
the surging forward of the waves
energetic speaker

forgetting how hard
it is to run on pavement
with people passing

sweating but happy
i pass the belly dancers
and cups of water

throbbing loud music
rhythmic pumping of runners’ hearts
i would like to hear Bach

runners sprint to finish line
thunderous applause

guy with chicken hat
walks past finish line
also dinosaur

after the race
everyone carrying
a little red bag

flags in ponytails
emcee announces Rosa
who won it five times

goth buddies in drag
complete finish line
to cheers of the crowd

losing power fast
phone battery struggling
to document and track

oxygen consumed
eating munchies and chocolate
free food for runners

family on Cedar
heading up to 13th st
tracking connects me

police with rifles
stand ready as loudspeakers
blast new safety rules

flag tattoo on cheek
she poses for photo
in father’s embrace

a feast for the eyes
stadium slowly fills
firefighters run past

solo/group kukai
jonathan machen