
welcome to the haikutimes

Issue #136, spring into summer, Mt. Toll, Betasso Preserve and 4th of July trail, May-June, 2007. Post-solstice haiku by Jonathan with additional haiku-n-sight from the Reverend Gene Langlois. Photographs by Jonathan.

spring melt
bulldogs chewing snow
bicycle to trail

spring runoff
should we be skiing
or kayaking?

no need for a map
follow the show-shoe track
ski over post-holes

of both snow and memory
on this fine spring day

summer temps
fuse pine-needles and debris
on snowy surface

birds sing
ponds fill
marmots scamper

pink algae
blotched on surface
inky stain on snow

way past college
yet traversing the same trail
not sure what has changed

airplane passing
glad we're here
and not there

no longer supple
the collagen in his back
still determined

pinprick corn snow hail
moleskin book
protects haiku

dirt layer on snow
like the lines of sweat
under that old shirt

and cabbage moths
evade camera

at 11200
short of breath
fresh from columbia
arrived in boulder in 93
at 31 years of age
on the first day of the world cup final
cheering for italy
in a game against brazil
luckily brazil won
she was still married at the time
he dreams of costa rica
and future nature blog

as much a part of the landscape
as the scenery

time is
the changing
of relationships

a single word
to describe childhood:

awakening was
waking up from

fat iridescent flies
mother of pearl reflection

an iceberg
reveals not the richness
lurking beneath the surface

Oh! sweet Babalyon
mine too shall disappear....but
today!....I garden!

keep on keeping on
don't be upset by changes
stop thought....and....go on.

just forgive it first
before you "do" anything
forgive...before hand

not for everyone?
it has limited value
by its own nature

drove by a junkyard
some of the cars were my age

go past the body
to the minds eternal Love
rest There....forever

man in a wheelchair
our eyes met as I raced by
who!...is the crippled?

cars are like people
they change to hide what they do
just go down the road

theaters and fear
both are dark, both show movies
both...have exit signs!

solo/group kukai
jonathan machen